Looking forward into 2021, we are still facing challenging times and the future remains uncertain so I thought to...
It’s a melody that always needs to be played. In the early days as a founder, your voice is...
This month I’ve been investigating a question that was put to me by one of our female entrepreneurs. It’s...
A purpose-led company benefits everybody involved; my customer, my team, how we worked. It gave me the confidence to...
“I’m always looking at the customer needs for 5 years time” was the message from my Dad, growing up...
When Trep and I separated ways a while ago he gave me a communication transponder based on his latest...
It shouldn’t have taken a pandemic to fast track me to have a stronger business. Today we are growing...
The greatest change that happened for me? Freedom. Freedom to go into a new era using my skills to...
The alignment of purpose affects the way in which we do everything, it’s the very fuel that runs through...
It’s mid-March 2020 in Amsterdam. The Dutch government calls for their so-called intelligent lockdown. From that day to the...