Latest blog posts

  • The beauty of simplicity in the whirlwind world of business – ‘The Wyseway’ series review 3

    by Julie Perkins
    6 min.

    Simplicity is hard to achieve but having a clear purpose can go a long way towards helping you reach it by unifying everyone around what it is you stand for. The power of purpose brings greater simplicity by ensuring agreed ways of working and support for changes that you, the founder, set out to make. 

  • Get out of your own way on the path to business success – ‘The Wyseway’ series review 1

    by Julie Perkins
    7 min.

    Are you a female entrepreneur who’s blocked and overwhelmed by the to-do list and thinking it wasn’t supposed to be this way? At the start there was passion, energy and most importantly, purpose. You knew your idea was good and intuitively you knew all the steps necessary to make it happen.

  • Out of line – how to tell if your business is misaligned or on the right track – ‘The Wyseway’ series review 2

    by Julie Perkins
    6 min.

    They may sound like jargon, but vertical and horizontal alignment are really important factors to get right if you want your business to flourish. If you’re a founder whose company’s off to a kicking start, it’s easy to be swept along on the tide of success in a buzz of excitement and energy.

  • ‘Growth begins with you’ part 2

    by Julie Perkins
    5 min

    Goodbyes can be hard. Knowing when it is the right time to say goodbye is even harder. As female entrepreneurs we are skilled at juggling priorities and managing the many demands on our time, efforts and emotions.

  • Can business leopards change their spots?

    by Julie Perkins
    6 minutes

    What is it that makes these nations so unafraid of change and how can we, as entrepreneurs, take inspiration from them to keep on growing and innovating?

  • Why change (usually) fails

    by Arjen Hoven
    9 minutes

    Spend 5 minutes on Instagram and you would believe that just by being focused, mindfully Zen, practising positive thinking and eating healthy you can achieve anything.

  • Is purpose an overused buzzword?

    by Julie Perkins
    6 minutes

    Has ‘purpose’ become a buzzword that’s had its day? At Wyseminds we believe the opposite; it’s more relevant than ever.

  • What does growth mean to you in 2023?

    by Julie Perkins
    3 minutes

    Growth. A simple, monosyllabic word of great importance.. And yet, the process of growing a business is not always as simple as it sounds, which is why it is useful to try to define it. So… what does it mean to you – and more importantly – how can you achieve it and sustain it? 

  • Founder’s story – are you Sofia?

    by Julie Perkins
    12 minutes

    Are you Sofia? In this cartoon and workbook we introduce you to the founder of a new company, Dragon Backpacks, and take you on perhaps an all too familiar journey of a start-up that is desperately seeking to maximise every sale opportunity, but at what cost?

  • What’s in a name?

    by Julie Perkins
    4 minutes

    Your title and that of your company can have a direct bearing on how successful you are. Julie explores how to be clear about the title you give yourself, understanding its power within our organisation and how we are seen by others.